Fabio Cecchini ~ I.T. Consulting Apps

Address 2 latitude longitude 6.0
version 6.0 !!!page1 (latitude and longitude)do you have an address and you need location?page2 (address)do you know latitude and longitude and you want to know therelatedaddress?page3 (where am i?)hit the button to get your location and address----------finally the app is aligned to its sisters in windowphonestoreand itunes app storehttp://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/latlon2address/8eb4353a-126c-4a69-99ac-8838b2be0596https://itunes.apple.com/it/app/latitudine-e-longitudine-da/id443901961?mt=8the app have been developed as classwork, with thepartecipationof the students, during my last course about Androidappdevelopment, held in Gepin PA SpA "www.gruppogepin.it"----------i read your comments about the previous version, and ithinkyou'll love this update ^_^